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Brand: Tutti

Duration: from day to a month

Contact Lenses Type: Cosmetic

Number of Lenses: 2 Lens

Diameter: 14.2 Lens Base Curve: 8.6

يرجى ملاحظة أنه بعد تقديم طلبك، سوف نقوم بمراجعته أولاً والتأكيد معك عند الاتصال.

لو محتاج تعرف أي حاجة كلمنا على: 01558555560


2 pairs of Tutti contact lenses in the color of olive and they support monthly wear Now you can get a new and attractive look with Totti contact lenses naturally and with super softness as well as at the best price, just make sure to get this color and swirl.


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